


By Ben (Discover English Teacher)

Vegemite: an introduction

Vegemite is a popular Australian food. Vegemite looks like chocolate, so people often expect it to be sweet. However, Vegemite is not sweet. Vegemite is very salty. To learn how to eat Vegemite, please read the instructions below. Can you think of any other ways to eat Vegemite?

How to eat Vegemite on toast

What you will need:

  • a knife
  • a plate
  • a toaster
  • good-quality sliced bread (white sourdough is a good one, don’t use cheap supermarket bread  – it is bad)
  • soft dairy spread or butter*
  • some Vegemite

* If you use butter straight from the fridge it will be too cold and too hard to spread. If you want to use real butter (and it is more delicious), you should leave it out of the fridge to soften before trying to put it on the toast.


  1. Put the bread in the toaster.
  2. Next, cook the bread until it has turned brown.
  3. After that, put it on a plate.
  4. While the toast is still hot, spread it with soft dairy spread. The soft dairy spread will melt on the toast. Wait until it has melted.
  5. Next, spread a small amount of Vegemite on the toast. It should mix with the dairy spread. Don’t use a lot of Vegemite! It is NOT chocolatey!
  6. Last, take a big bite!

Important: There is too much Vegemite on the toast above for beginners! That will taste too strong for you. Start with a little bit, please!

Take the Vegemite quiz

  1. Vegemite has been banned in some Australian prisons.              T / F
  2. A jar of Vegemite was the first product in Australia to be electronically scanned at a checkout.                T / F
  3. Vegemite can be used to make soup                                      T / F
  4. It has been illegal to market Vegemite in Denmark                    T / F
  5. US customs officials have questioned Australians trying to take Vegemite into the US.              T / F
  6. Vegemite is no longer made by an Australian company.                 T / F
  7. Vegemite is made from yeast that is a by-product of the beer-making process           T / F
  8. Barack Obama once said that he thought Vegemite was ‘horrible’   T / F


All True!

Watch this, for a fun interaction about Vegemite between former US President Obama and former Australian Prime Minister Gillard:

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