English School in Melbourne, Australia
Take the fast lane
Discover English offers one-on-one private language classes with a fully qualified and experienced teacher (teacher’s gender can be specified). Class duration, length of enrolment and start times are all negotiable.
For more information please email: info@discoverenglish.com.au
The course is tailored to your request. There is a flexibility to consult with your teacher and choose the area of the language you would like to focus on. Improving your English at your own pace.
A teacher is in the library in supervised self-access periods to assist students with homework, resumes and questions from class.
The monthly activities calendar offers an exciting array of activities 7 days a week including: Salsa dancing, winery tours, weekend camping trips and sporting or cultural events.
Five hours a week of free extra classes are available to all students. Extra classes include: Pronunciation, TOEIC, Academic English, Vocabulary and Conversation.
It wasn’t my first time as one to one student; I have been to Malta already. I believe this is the best way to learn English especially for someone of my age. I have different and particular needs from a normal English student. Therefore, taking a personalised English course satisfied all needs.
Discover English is a professional school, with friendly and experienced teachers. The administrative staff were always available and willing to help me. The facilities are very good, enough computers, great view from the deck and excellent location. I will be back next year and will bring my wife!!
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