General English course


General English- Confidence, fun, friends – lay the foundation for fluency

The General English program develops students’ English language communication skills. There is a strong focus on building confidence and fluency. Above all, in a friendly and fun environment! Through a communicative approach, students practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Furthermore there are opportunities to learn these skills in a variety of ‘real life’ situations. 
Studying General English gives students the confidence and skills to function in an English speaking country. Some may even consider going on to further study or examination preparation courses.  
Discover English, Melbourne offers six levels of General English from Beginner to Advanced. Our Beginner level class accepts students with very little exposure to English.  For example, students who have not yet acquired a single word. No one’s level is too low. In contrast, our Advanced General English class is for students with high level communicative skills.
General English students undertake a placement test to determine their entry point. Students may be recommended to take a change of level test at any stage of their enrolment. Importantly, this is based on in-class assessment results. 


Course is available at levels. Beginner to Advanced. Placement test required. 


2 to 60 weeks.


Every Monday.


Our General English course is recognised by German Bildungsurlaub.

General English Timetables


The monthly activities calendar offers an exciting array of activities 7 days a week including: Salsa dancing, winery tours, weekend camping trips and sporting or cultural events

Computer Lab

Fully equipped computer lab available to students during our business hours. Additionally, feel free to study or do research using these computers.


Progress assessment is ongoing and includes weekly progress tests.   There are also regular review tests and a range of assignments, presentations & homework exercises.

Supervised Self-study

A teacher is in the library in supervised self-access periods to assist students with homework, resumes and questions from class.


Five hours a week of free extra classes are available to all students. Extra classes include: Pronunciation, TOEIC, Academic English, Vocabulary and Conversation.

Weekly Feedback

Teachers provide students with weekly feedback on their progress in one-to-one meetings. Teachers advise on how to improve in areas of weakness and build on current strengths.

Everything was better than I had thought!

"Last month, July was a different month in my life. After many years without studying English, I decided to try to improve what I had learned in the past. At the beginning, I was worried. I thought that it would be difficult to follow the classes and maybe they would be boring. Fortunately, everything was better than I had thought. The classes and the dynamics were funny. It was a good opportunity to remember some rules and to learn more. It was a good experience to live with so many different people from different countries and cultures too. This is my last week in this class and I’d like to say that I enjoyed it very much and I will miss everybody!"
