


Students need to have Working with Children Check and own medical insurance. 


English component starts every Monday. The Language Teaching Assistant program is available during the Victorian school terms. Please check with Discover English staff for the current dates. 


6-8 weeks

Language teaching assistant

A language teaching assistant enters an Australian primary or secondary school and assists a teacher in developing and delivering bilingual language lessons to the children. As a native speaker of the target language you will be of great help to the teacher and the students.


You will have an opportunity to meet and work with teachers and staff at a primary or secondary school. This will help to build your conversational skills and give you invaluable experience in a professional workplace. You will also get to meet and interact with Australian school children and this can be a fun and rewarding way of improving your English. You will mostly be communicating with staff in English.

For the teachers and staff that you assist, they will have an opportunity to practice their own language skills with you, a native speaker. You’ll also be able to give the students, and staff, an opportunity to hear native accents and intonation and use authentic everyday vocabulary.  You will also be able to share your culture with both staff and students.


You will be expected to assist in the preparation and delivery of lessons. This means you’ll help teachers prepare classroom materials, activities and games that help the children to improve their skills in the target language – your language. You will be given an opportunity to teach the children and be guided and supported in the process by the school staff.



The most important quality you will need is to enjoy working with children. It will be also very helpful to keep an open mind and be willing to try out new things. Teaching and preparing activities and materials doesn’t always go according to plan so you’ll need to not get too worried or upset if things don’t go perfectly. You need to be flexible, participatory and proactive.  


The monthly activities calendar offers an exciting array of activities 7 days a week including: Salsa dancing, winery tours, weekend camping trips and sporting or cultural events

Cambridge Club

Get to know all your fellow Cambridge students in the Cambridge study group. A room is permanently allocated for study group or self-study needs.


Progress assessment is ongoing and includes weekly progress tests, regular review tests and a range of assignments, presentations and homework exercises.

Supervised Self-study

A teacher is in the library in supervised self-access periods to assist students with homework, resumes and questions from class.


Five hours a week of free extra classes are available to all students. Extra classes include: Pronunciation, TOEIC, Academic English, Vocabulary and Conversation.

Weekly Feedback

Teachers provide students with weekly feedback on their progress in one-to-one meetings and advise on how to improve in areas of weakness and build on current strengths.