

Promising Young Woman – Film Review

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) Warning: this post refers to sexual assault Promising Young Woman is a new film, inspired in part by the #MeToo movement, which I discussed in a recent blog post. The #MeToo movement has shown how commonly women experience sexual harassment and assault. The movie is […]

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The #MeToo movement explained

by Ben (Discover English Teacher) Warning: this post refers to sexual assault The #MeToo movement is an online social movement. Many women publicly accused famous or powerful men of sexual assault or harassment using #MeToo on social media. The movement started in October 2017 when the American actress Alyssa Milano […]

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You are stardust

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) The universe started with the Big Bang that scientists think happened about 15 billion years ago. In the beginning there was a huge explosion and an enormous amount of heat. None of the chemical elements that your body is made up of existed. Eventually, as […]

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Is honesty really the best policy?

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) Proverbs are old sayings that people still mention in the present. They usually contain some old ideas and are often written in old-fashioned language. Sometimes they even contradict each other! I was reading a book recently by an American-Hungarian writer named Thomas Szasz, and he compared two […]

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My Octopus Teacher: review

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) I wrote in an earlier piece that people could be split into two groups, depending on what pets they prefer – cat people and dog people – but I watched a film on Netflix recently that made me think again. My Octopus Teacher is about […]

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How to slow down Netflix and YouTube

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) Whydoeseveryonespeaksofast!? How to slow down the playback of Netflix and YouTube. Do you ever find English hard to understand because native speakers speak too fast? Wouldn’t it be good if you could hit a slow-motion button to make these people sloooowwwww doooowwwn? Unfortunately, we can’t […]

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How to join the City Library

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) The City Library has a huge range of great resources that can help you learn English. This includes ESL readers and grammar textbooks to DVDs, music, graphic novels and computer games, as well as e-resources, including e-books, magazines, newspapers and streaming services. Read more about […]

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You don’t like reading?

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) Students often tell me this when I take them to the library. ‘Sorry, teacher,’ they say. ‘When I read, I feel sleepy.’ Warning: I’m now going to sound like your mother telling to eat your veggies, ‘You must eat, dear. You’re too thin! Have some […]

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How Good Stories Can Change You

Article by Elissa. Originally posted on ‘The Language Brain’. Reposted with permission. Stories are everywhere, and have been for a very long time. We read them in books, watch them on screens, hear them from friends, family, even strangers. Some are terrible or easily forgotten, like an office anecdote, or a TV […]

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