

Road Trip in Victoria!

Road Trip in Victoria – Australia As an international student in Victoria, Australia, you have probably already explored the vibrant city of Melbourne and its surrounding suburbs. But have you considered hitting the open road and discovering the stunning countryside and coastal regions of this state? Road trips in Victoria […]

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How life after COVID-19 will look like?

  How is normal life is going to be like after COVID-19?   The world might be a different place when we get out of this. Adjusting to the new normal will have its challenges. The restaurants and cafes you are used to go, might not exist anymore, some of […]

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10 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health

How to take better care of your Meltal Health, by Germano Vieira – September 1st, 2021 6 min read. 1. Value yourself: Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a […]

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How to make your Business survive the pandemic

How to make your Business survive the pandemic Germano Vieira – August 1st, 2021 4 min read 1. Take care of yourself and your team Leading through this crisis will not be easy, especially for agency owners who are also dealing with child-care, family and health issues. Make sure you […]

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Amazing Australian animals – the rainbow lorikeet

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) If you walk around Melbourne’s parks, particularly late in the day, you’ve probably seen huge flocks of beautifully coloured rainbow lorikeets noisily squawking while they feed in trees. Rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) are one of Australia’s many beautiful species of parrots. They usually eat pollen […]

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Promising Young Woman – Film Review

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) Warning: this post refers to sexual assault Promising Young Woman is a new film, inspired in part by the #MeToo movement, which I discussed in a recent blog post. The #MeToo movement has shown how commonly women experience sexual harassment and assault. The movie is […]

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The #MeToo movement explained

by Ben (Discover English Teacher) Warning: this post refers to sexual assault The #MeToo movement is an online social movement. Many women publicly accused famous or powerful men of sexual assault or harassment using #MeToo on social media. The movement started in October 2017 when the American actress Alyssa Milano […]

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You are stardust

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) The universe started with the Big Bang that scientists think happened about 15 billion years ago. In the beginning there was a huge explosion and an enormous amount of heat. None of the chemical elements that your body is made up of existed. Eventually, as […]

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Rockmelon Rocks

By Ben (Discover English Teacher) One of my favourite fruits is rockmelon or cantaloupe. In some ways, it is nothing special; it’s not intensely sweet and delicious like a mango. It is quite subtle and doesn’t really have a strong flavour. It is made up of 90% water, which is […]

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